Calvary Temple Church

We are happy you here! We are hopeful that as you search through these pages, you will find a place for you and your family in this spiritual home.
Calvary Temple is a family united by the love for Jesus, His love for us and our passion to live this love through wholehearted worship and lasting friendships. Our congregation comprises seekers who are still trying God’s love out; First lovers who have just discovered what God’ love means, and elders who exemplify that joyful life long walk with God. There’s a place for everyone here.
We meet regularly to worship, pray, learn God’s Word and serve our community wholeheartedly. Occasionally, we organise programs to empower our congregation and to bring them closer to their goal in Christ.
You can experience this too! If you are looking for a new experience, direction or you are just curious about what life in Christ is all about, be our special guest.

My Story My Church